Scared To Shave Beard? Here’s How To Know If You Should Do It

Scared To Shave Beard

For many men, growing a beard is a labor of love. You take the time to let it out, comb it, and keep it nice and clean.

Yet, how would you feel about shaving it? Maybe your significant other dropped a hint that they’d like to shave it?. Or perhaps you have an upcoming job interview, and you want to go in looking crisp and clean-shaven.

As a whole, we know that flashing your bare cheeks can be pretty scary, especially if you’ve had your bread for a while. It’ll probably take something really big to get you to go clean-shaven, like some of the reasons we listed below. If you’re scared to shave your beard, they’ll let you know whether or not you should go through with it.

Whatever the reason, chances are you’re scared to shave your beard. After all, it’s a big decision that shouldn’t be taken in the spur of the moment.

Because we’re too familiar with that feeling, we rounded up some of the most common urges to chop off your facial hair.

Take a look.

Here’s How to Know if You Should Shave Your Beard: 5 Common Reasons

We’ve all struggled with the ‘should I or should I not’ dilemma when it comes to shaving our beards. The idea seems simple enough, but just ask any man who’s been growing a beard for several months. They’ll tell you it can be downright terrifying.

When you shave off your beard, it’s not just about removing facial hair. It’s about changing how you look and feel. It’s as if you’re creating a whole new identity, especially if you’ve been growing it out for a long time.

Still scared to shave your beard? Here’s how to know if you should do it.

1. You’re Looking a Bit Too Rough Around the Edges

Bearded men are typically seen as aggressive, dominant, and outdoorsy —even if they’re actually none of those. Nonetheless, beards are considered intimidating, making you look manly and rugged.

However, because beard hair is coarse and wiry, things can get a bit too rugged without realizing it. Friends and loved ones will let you know pretty quickly, though. In turn, you may feel like you’re being pressured into shaving it all off.

If your long beard puts off your significant other or your friends, maybe it’s because you’re not keeping it well-groomed.

The best way around this problem is to get a grooming session first. A grooming session can be anything from a nice trim and clean-up to getting rid of your beard completely. 

Then, talk with your barber and ask for beard products suitable for your type of facial hair. Trust us; these products are a necessity. They’ll keep your beard feeling and smelling great.

Not only will they keep your beard nice and shiny, but they’ll also keep your follicles in good condition as well. When your hair follicles are healthy, your facial hair will be too—no more rugged, unkempt beards.

2. Your Beard Is Turning into a Grayfest

Your Beard Is Turning into a Grayfest

Is your beard hair looking more salt than pepper? Finding gray hairs in your beard can be self-conscious for many men. For one, it’s way more noticeable than gray hairs on your head because it’s right there on your face.

If this is the case, you have three options. You can either rock it, dye it or shave it.

Idris Elba and Pierce Brosnan can make gray beards cool and sexy. If they can rock it, so can you!

On the other hand, if you’re adamant about dying, talk to your barber first. Store-bought dyes are rarely the same as real beard color.

Your third option is to shave it. You can also trim it down to a goatee, a circle beard. Why not go for a suave and sophisticated Balbo or anchor beard like the one RDJ made popular in the Iron Man movies.

Whichever style you go with, you can be sure that your gray beard hair won’t be as noticeable. Plus, you’ll still be able to hold onto your beloved beard.

3. Beardruff Has Taken Over

Beardruff is just like dandruff, only for your beard. When your skin is dry and itchy, it’ll flake off, resulting in beardruff.

One way to fix dry skin is to hydrate and moisturize it. You can choose from multiple beard balms, butter, and oils available on the market. They’ll help bring back the moisture in your skin, keeping it nice and soft.

Another option is to just shave it. Then, take care of your skin up close and personal. Once your skin’s pH balance is back to its healthy levels, you can start regrowing your beard once again.

In the meantime, enjoy being clean-shaven for a while. For starters, you’ll spend a lot less time grooming and maintaining your facial hair.

Plus, studies show that going beardless makes you look younger.

4. You Made a Mistake While Shaving

You Made a Mistake While Shaving

Who hasn’t been in this situation before? You’re minding your own business, grooming your beard in peace, when all of a sudden, your hand slips!

Your first instinct is to just shave it all off and just live with the shame. If this has happened to you, you know that all-too-familiar pit in the bottom of your stomach.

Well, friends, we’re here to tell you that it’s more common than you think. The good news is that there’s no shaving mistake that can’t be fixed.

Before you chop off all your facial hair, take a few moments to consider what you want to do. If you’re going to hold on to your beard, then with a few simple tools, you can fix whatever mistake you made.

All you have to do is style your beard in a way that covers up any exposed areas or patches, like a goatee. Then, just wait for them to grow back.

Even so, if you feel like you’re ready for a full shave, then, by all means, go for it! Your slip of the hand could be your subconscious trying to tell you it’s time to get that makeover you’ve been thinking about.

5. It’s Time for a Change

It’s Time for a Change

Another reason why many men opt to shave their beards is they’re ready for a fresh, clean-shaven look. They want to change their style, which entails shaving off their beards.

Be that as it may, shaving your beard is a big step. That’s exactly why you should take the time to mull it over.

What happens if you shave off your beard then change your mind? There’s little you can do except sit there and wait for your facial hair to grow back.

Although, you can make other style changes while you think it over. For example, you can get a new haircut.

Another idea is to get a wardrobe change. Just make a couple of basic adjustments and add a few new accessories, and you’re all set!

After that, if you’re still determined to shave your beard, then trust your gut. It’ll let you know when it’s the right time to do it.

The Takeaway

If you’re scared to shave your beard, you’re not alone. Follow these tips and techniques to choose what works for you.

While other people may weigh in on your decision, it’s ultimately up to you. The best way to know if you should do it or not is to take a couple of days to think it over.

Remember, either way, make sure you follow a skincare routine. It’ll keep both your skin and beard are smooth, soft, and healthy.



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Hi, my name is Roland. I started Beard Guidance so I can share the knowledge I’ve acquired from years of beard-having experience in easy-to-read but informative and practical articles.

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