Fecal Matter In Beards: Does It Hurt Beard Growth?

Fecal Matter in Beards

Beards have been back in fashion the past few years. However, a stunt hit the trend when a study done by a microbiologist proved that fecal matter is present in beards.

Even though later studies stated that the reason the fecal matter was present in beards had nothing to do with feces, one question remained. Does it hurt beard growth?

Fecal matter doesn’t hurt beard growth because it doesn’t have any negative impact on the human body. On the contrary, fecal matter can be found on almost any surface, and some studies even claim that it’s a natural part of the human biome.

Curious to know more about the existence of fecal matter in beards? We discuss the topic in-depth right below!

The Story Behind the Discovery of Fecal Matter in Beards

The Story Behind the Discovery of Fecal Matter in Beards

When news of this discovery first broke out in 2015, it was because of a microbiologist called John Golobic. For the sake of some research he was doing at the time, he swabbed several beards and discovered the presence of enteric bacteria.

That’s a type of fecal bacteria you can find in the intestines of humans and animals. Therefore, at a first glance, you might be worried that coming in contact with this bacteria might increase the chances of diseases or infections.

Thankfully, that’s rarely the case with fecal matter, especially in a clean beard. In the following section, we dive even deeper into the nature of fecal matter.

The Truth About Fecal Matter

Fecal matter, delicately put, is organic waste that’s discharged from the body. Yet, sometimes, people mistake fecal matter for feces, but this isn’t entirely accurate.

The truth is, fecal matter is everywhere! Almost every surface we touch has it. But how is this possible?

The reason you might find this shocking is that we immediately relate the word “fecal” with feces; and we relate it to awful odors, disease, and general uncleanliness.

However, fecal matter is detected through the bacteria that are present in it, and studies found that these are present pretty much everywhere, much like most microorganisms.

Seeing it from this perspective might clear how we feel about fecal matter in beards. To summarize, all feces is fecal matter, but not all fecal matter is feces.

Plus, studies have proven that fecal bacteria doesn’t present any sort of risk to your health. That’s because its presence is usually in very small amounts that your immune system can fight off quite easily.

Why Is Fecal Matter Present in Some Beards?

Why Is Fecal Matter Present in Some Beards

When John Golobic’s study was made, the number of fecal bacteria found was shocking. It was almost as large as the number of fecal bacteria present in a toilet.

A survey made at the time showed that almost 50% of men’s beards contained them. A parallel one showed that about 60% of men don’t wash their hands after they use the toilet. 

This connection proved that it was unhygienic practices, not the presence of a beard, that caused so much fecal matter to appear.

Does Fecal Matter Only Exist in Beards?

As it turns out, fecal matter can be present outside of the human body as well. You can find them on plants, on any surface, and even on food.

This means that fecal bacteria can also be found in both bearded and non-bearded people.

Another odd fact is that facial hair can help tackle antibiotic resistance. After research was made regarding antibiotic-resistant bacteria, it was proven that beards helped reduce the presence of this bacteria on the skin.

Scientists also found out that hands are more contaminated with fecal matter than we think.

One study took place in London, and 50 random people were asked to have their hands swabbed on the spot. The result proved that almost 30% of these people had fecal matter present on their hands.

How to Keep Fecal Matter Out of Your Beard

How to Keep Fecal Matter Out of Your Beard

While it doesn’t cause any harm, it’s understandable if you don’t want fecal matter or bacteria in your beard. Listed below are the top tips you can apply to grow fecal-matter-free facial hair.

1. Wash and Trim Your Beard

Washing and trimming your beard often come hand-in-hand.

Trimming is an important part of hygiene as it removes all uneven and extra facial hair. So, any fecal matter stuck in your hair will easily disappear when you trim it.

Plus, what’s not removed by the trimming will then go away by thoroughly washing your facial hair on a regular basis. Rinsing your beard with shampoo can be just perfect for keeping unwanted bacteria at bay.

2. Wash Your Hands After You Use the Bathroom

If large amounts of fecal bacteria could be found in beards due to unwashed hands, so can other bacteria.

While fecal bacteria aren’t generally harmful, we can’t say the same about other pathogens. And so, it’s best to stick to good hygiene and make sure you always wash your hands thoroughly after doing your business.

Remember that larger amounts of fecal matter in a beard may increase your chances of getting infections, feeling faint, or more troublesome symptoms. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to try to minimize the existence of fecal bacteria in your skin and hair as much as you can.

3. Keep Your Hands Away From Your Face

While you’re working outdoors, digging in the garden, or finishing a project in your workshop, your hands surely come in contact with different surfaces. As a result, a large number of pathogens, bacteria, or viruses can stick to your skin.

In these scenarios where you can’t wash your hands until you’ve finished your task, try your best to keep your hands away from your beard. This ensures that any harmful bacteria stays away from your precious facial hair.

Then, when you go home and wash your hands thoroughly, you can finally touch your face with confidence!

To Wrap It Up

Does fecal matter in beards hurt beard growth?

Well, it’s safe to say that fecal matter in beards isn’t harmful, On the contrary, it’s merely a trace of gut bacteria naturally found on the human biome. Although, it’s always best to keep a clean beard or facial hair to keep the amount of fecal matter there as low as possible.

Thankfully, it’s easy to achieve that goal. Routine showering and trimming are of utmost importance. You can also make sure you wash your hands when you have to, and keep from touching your face while your hands are dirty.

Now, if you want to learn more about how to help your beard grow quicker, click here for some nifty tips!



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Hi, my name is Roland. I started Beard Guidance so I can share the knowledge I’ve acquired from years of beard-having experience in easy-to-read but informative and practical articles.

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