In October 2020, Olympic ice dancer, Jean-Luc Baker, took to Instagram with a quandary: “Out of beard oil,” he said, “was thinking about using olive oil?” Baker was surely not the only...
Category: Knowledge
Our beards often begin with a whim, grow into a major part of our appearance, and finally become part of our identities. But unlike your height, your physique, or your personality, your beard can be...
Cats are not known for being overly accommodating to their humans. If a cat wants something, they will let you know it, and heaven help you if you don’t comply. If you’ve spent over a year...
Guys with curly, easily tangled facial hair can find beard styling to be a nightmare. When trimming, conditioning, and moisturizing fails to tame a wild beard, it might be tempting to perm your...
No beard care kit is complete without at least one quality beard oil. Beard oil makes your facial hair look and smell fantastic. It repairs and nourishes hair and face. However, one product won’t...
Why Does One Side Of Your Beard Grow Faster? Here’s The Truth!
For men and women both, facial symmetry is extremely desirable. There are whole studies done on the geometric perfection of celebrities like Denzel Washington and Halle Berry. So, when you’re...