It’s the bane of all new beardsmen, young and old alike. You’re starting with a baby-soft face. You’re pumped to get those face follicles growing, but then it begins: the scratching, the...
Category: Knowledge
There is no shortage of beard products on the market these days. It can feel maddening choosing which beard oil is best for you. Even worse, choosing poorly can be an expensive mistake. A frustrated...
We all want a full, thick beard. But even in the world of facial hair, there can be too much of a good thing. Growing and maintaining an attractive beard is all about balance. Nothing throws off that...
In general, anyone trying to seamlessly blend their beard and the hair on their head runs into a problem. Beard hair is naturally much more coarse than scalp hair. This elicits two questions: how can...
If you spend any time on internet beard forums, you will see that there’s always some kind of hullabaloo about minoxidil and aging. Guys trade horrific anecdotes about crow's feet and sagging eye...
If your facial hair is coming in blonder or redder than the hair on your head, it could be an issue of melanin content. Melanin is the pigment in your hair (and skin) that imparts color and protects...